Sunday, July 26, 2009

Breathe - Michael W. Smith

This is the air I breathe
This is the air I breathe
Your holy presence living in me

This is my daily bread
This is my daily bread
Your very word spoken to me

And I I'm desperate for you
And I I'm I'm lost without you

This is the air I breathe
This is the air I breathe
Your holy presence living in me

This is my daily bread
this is my daily bread
your very word spoken to me

And I'm, I'm desperate for you
And I'm, I'm lost without you

Saturday, July 25, 2009

New York Minute by the Eagles

Harry got up
Dressed all in black
Went down to the station
And he never came back
They found his clothing
Scattered somewhere down the track
And he won't be down on Wall Street
in the morning

He had a home
The love of a girl
But men get lost sometimes
As years unfurl
One day he crossed some line
And he was too much in this world
But I guess it doesn't matter anymore

In a New York Minute
Everything can change
In a New York Minute
Things can get pretty strange
In a New York Minute
Everything can change
In a New York Minute

Lying here in the darkness
I hear the sirens wail
Somebody going to emergency
Somebody's going to jail
If you find somebody to love in this world
You better hand on tooth and nail
The wolf is always at the door

In a New York Minute
Everything can change
In a New York Minute
Things can get a little strange
In a New York Minute
Everything can change
In a New York Minute

And in these days
When darkness falls early
And people rush home
To the ones they love
You better take a fool's advice
And take care of your own
One day they're here;
Next day they're gone

I pulled my coat around my shoulders
And took a walk down through the park
The leaves were falling around me
The groaning city in the gathering dark
On some solitary rock
A desperate lover left his mark,
"Baby, I've changed. Please come back."

What the head makes cloudy
The heart makes very clear
The days were so much brighter
In the time when she was here
But I know there's somebody somewhere
Make these dark clouds disappear
Until that day, I have to believe
I believe, I believe

In a New York Minute
Everything can change
In a New York Minute
You can get out of the rain
In a New York Minute
Everything can change
In a New York Minute

The Great Collection of Wonderous Quotes

"It's not cheap, honey. It's free. That's what makes it grace." -- Camille

"Religion is for the people who don't want to go to Hell. Christianity is for people who've already been there." -- Lee Clower

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Summer evening

23 July, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What do you do when you round the corner and find that your journey is taking you somewhere you never expected or even meant to go?

I was going to blog on facebook. I started to. I said, "I am blogging here because I might ask for advice. I might." Then I chickened out. I don't want to be that clear yet. I'm not that clear. I want to ramble, and explore, and not explain. So I'm back here.

"From beneath the clutter of our lives, O God, we call out to you.

It is not that we have chosen evil, but that we have pursued lesser gods until we have lost our way.

Our love has become too narrow, our excuses too wide. Our blaming has become too quick, our forgiveness too slow.

By your mercy, deepen our pride into compassion, our fear into courage. Change our frustration into creativity, our timidity into boldness.

Transform our prayers into actions for compassion and justice however small and simple they might be.

In spite of our weakness, make us strong, O God, as we work to uncover your heaven here on earth. Amen."

"Beneath the clutter of our lives" We are looking for a church. We don't want to. We love our church. But we need to be closer. And so we've looked, not daring to expect, barely ever hoping . . . And now we're here. We walked out of a church Sunday morning. It "failed" in the first fifteen minutes. I dare say, it was even before that. But can a church "fail"?? Who am I to set up criteria? And why did we feel so at ease twenty minutes later?

"Whenever we are insecure in our faith, whenever we fall into spiritual neglect or disrepair, God reaches out to steady us and to embrace us with a sure and complete forgiveness. All thanks and glory to God!"

Pure doctrine is most important to us, top of the list. Second to that, we desire a church that mirrors our thoughts on children. My child is not an accessory. She is a person, and in church, she is a fellow worshipper. I want her to be seen by our church as a smaller, more easily offended or distracted yet often purer, learning worshipper. When I come to church, I know that she is my child, but I want to be reminded that she is first my sister in Christ. Thirdly, I want my church to be a place where I am real. All week I am strong, when I lift my hands in church on Sunday, I need to be weak. When I bow my head, I need to be naked and safe. Fourth, we believe that perhaps a more high church atmosphere would fit our family better at this point in our lives. We are open to more litergy, and definitely less Awana.

"We gather for worship with faces deep-scored with years or smooth with youth.

We gather with faces animated by our feelings or covered by the masks we wear

Whether our faces are expectant or wary, intent or inquisitive, in worship all faces turn toward the face of God."

But how far can I go outside my comfort zone? What is comfort zone and what is purity of doctrine? Is who we include and who we exclude ever a tenant of our faith? Is that doctrine? What about when that person stands before me as a minister of God's Word? What now? What if that person doesn't look like me? Or what if she does look like me? What then?

Tears on both of our cheeks, and yet I'm scared. How far have we gone away from eveything we've known?

"Holy One, whose heart abounds with gifts, receive this offering as a sign of our intention to live surrounded by your mercy, inspired by your Spirit, open to the joy of your presence, hospitable to one another, and generous toward your world. Amen."

What do you do when you have laid your heart bare before God and asked Him to lead you to Himself and you find yourself here? Do you wait, and listen? Do you turn and run? Do you accept the fact that it was your own folly that led you in the doors in the first place? Does a parent lead a child astray when all they ask for is their direction? How wide can I let go? If I lift my foot to take this step will I ever find ground again?

If this is where we are called, if this is who He is, I know we will be questioned by everyone who cares. So I'm writing now. I'm not confused. I'm like a small child walking for the first time into a large cathedral. It's bigger than I imagined and I wonder I will ever feel comfortable again. Perhaps this is a place to learn, perhaps this is a place to rest, perhaps this is home. I don't know.

I don't know if this is truth or error. Either, I believe, can be so dangerous.

"We gather for worship with hands strengthened by long use or altered by injury.

We gather with hands calloused from hard laobrs or hands softened with tenderness.

Whether our hands are stiff or supple, in worship all hands reach toward the hand of God.

We gather for worship just as we are.Whatever face we wear or hands we use, our faith comes alive in our turning and reaching for God. Amen."

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Too Much Fun

21 July, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sugar Snap Pea

20 July, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009


19 July, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

"The Camera Don't Lie"

18 July, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

You're Fabulous

17 July, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009


16 July, 2009

"I 'earnt' them!"

15 July, 2009

The Wonder of It All

14 July, 2009

Color My World

13 July, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Wild Things

"Mommy, Mommy, come quick, there is something in the front fence."

"What is it honey?"

"Oh it's a little mouse!"

"A real mouse or a pretend mouse?"

"A real mouse. Uhm . . . it's a baby fox!"

"A real baby fox or a pretend baby fox?" (I'm beginning to doubt this entire story now, and dragging my feet)

"A REAL baby fox!" (Hmm, "real" is usually still pretty accurate around here. I should probably head outside.)

"Inside the fence or outside the fence?" Slightly worried. "Did you touch it?"

"Nope. Outside the fence!"

"I'm coming. Is it moving?"

" It's dead. But not a lot of holes with bleed coming out. Just one hole, like this, with a little bit of bleed! Oh you're going to love it."

"I doubt it."

I step around the corner and see Shayk outside the fence.

"How did she get out?"

"She pushed!"

She's got a small pile of fur, still seems to be knawing . .

"Shayk, LEAVE IT!"

I go through the gate to find a small hole in the ground, lined with dried grass and fur. And a bit of fur left in the grass.

"Rayne, I think Shayk got it."

"Well, Cassie got one. Inside the fence! Then Shayky got that one."


"Cassie, then Shayky!"

"Oh, heavens."

I let Shayk back out, then feel guilty, shoo her away, and poke at the little hole with a stick making sure no tiny . . . somethings are left to be sacrificed. Nothing.

I'm guessing rabbit, from the fur, but could the nest be so tiny?

Shayk returns to Cassie, and they sniff around a grassy area inside the fence as though cleaning up after . . . whatever. Yeah, I'm thinking Cassie probably did have "one" inside the fence too.

I have no idea what it was that Rayne saw. Back inside the vinyl fence I notice that the gate has been actually gnawed, and no doubt pushed, to the extent that a screw has popped out of the cross support.


I have no reason for sharing this story at all . . . No moral, no great truth learned. To think, I put them outside to keep her safe . . .

Summer floats away

12 July, 2009

The trouble with summer is
It is much too warm to freeze.

Winter is solid. The moments come out hard and frozen.
Frozen moments keep better.

But, summer? No,
Summer floats. It is warm sunshine.

And if you try to hold on to the days, the chirping evenings, sun, grass, tomato plants . . .

Summer moments pop like bubbles. Better to let them float away and Watch.


11 July, 2009

Never has there been purer love, than that of a three year old girl for a "precious, precious, so sweet" bug.

Pizza Friday

10 July, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Found Things

09 July, 2009

Hard Night's Work

08 July, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

I <3 Giveaways!

And here's a doozy of one!

Slices of cucumber picked moments before from the garden.

Hard work well rewarded.

Happy July!

Linking this so I can read it over, and over, and over . . . .

4 Paws for Whit

"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little." Edmund Burke

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Of Cameras

I've misplaced mine. Again.

And I miss it. Holiday weekend, no pictures.

I am afraid I will not have evidence that it happened

If I don't have pictures of it.

Somehow things will get away.

Like the camera . . .

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Are You Serious??

So I figured out why I'm so mopey. Generally just dissatisfied this week, and I couldn't peg it. Until I let my fingers do the walking on Google earth . . . and found myself tiptoeing around West Grand Avenue. Homesick for the UP? What on earth?! And yet here I am.

It isn't that things were simpler then . . . certainly not easier. Looking out the window it becomes a little bit easier to understand. It's this cloudy summer weather. Weather that calls me to Lake Antoine, hoping to watch a storm rolling in . . . I want to feel at home.

A bit easier to understand, but still not logical. What am I missing? It's not a who, it's something else. I can walk down that street with arrow clicks, but I can't walk inside. What is calling me to look in the windows? What do I want to see so badly? I have lost something, and if I knew what it was, perhaps I could pull up the right picture and find it again.

Well, here I am.

Yup, that sums it up. Now to play around, tweak, and get to know this Thing that will be.