Monday, April 8, 2013

Throwing Words At It

Two years later I kiss my girlfriend quickly as I head off to run an errand and I stagger at the thought that anyone could see that as morally wrong.  The thought of kissing someone else feels wrong to me, it has that weight.

Two years, and I've overcome enough of my internal homophobia that I can't understand how I became "other".  I don't feel other.  I feel just like you.

Relationships are hard.  Loving someone other than yourself is hard.  It's growing and stretching.  And an overnight getaway alone is breathtaking and beautiful.  Sleeping with her is beautiful.  And "sleeping" with her is beautiful.  It's just like it is for you.

I'm just like you.  And I'm crying again.  Because, this time, I don't know how you can push me over to a place I don't belong.  I don't understand.  How is it weird?  You have fetishized this.  I didn't.

What if they did that to your love?

(Thank you to this post for reminding me of this video.)